
Working as a Community on Data Integrity from Research through to Practice

An important commitment we are making is to ensure data integrity across the journey from research to practice, from case study work to service execution, from study planning through data generation to downstream consumption.

An important commitment we are making is to ensure data integrity across the journey from research to practice, from case study work to service execution, from study planning through data generation to downstream consumption. When I say we, I mean as a community and with collaborative action.

Such work starts with the supporting knowledge infrastructure that we are committed with partners to the value of data integrity. During method development and case study work on research programs such as EU-ToxRisk, we work towards having a knowledge memory supported by well-documented protocols, metadata, and data.

In our work with partners on SaferWorldbyDesign, we are also committed to these values in providing solutions with an evidence-based response. The data preparation and documentation starts with the raw data which is then processed and provided to the data analysis which can be delivered to the problem formulator. We have prepared an example using web-based notebook technology which shows the results of such a procedure for a simple assay (skin irritation using the Prediskin assay).

You can view such an approach at

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